
When we created the company vision statement for Visibility about ten years back, we looked to Disney for inspiration.  And once again in 2016, we will be looking at Disney to inspire, this time as the host site for our customer conference next April!


A vision statement for a company sets the tone for behavior.  It guides direction and influences decisions.  

“Delight Every Customer” is the Visibility Vision.  Simple but powerful.  What it means is we try our best at every chance to make customers feel delighted that they chose Visibility to walk into the ERP world with.   It means we try to treat folks the way we would like to be treated.  Go the extra mile.  Work hard and with integrity to provide the best possible product and services.  A delighted customer is a delighted reference which leads to more customers.  You don’t get that from a simply satisfied customer, you need to do the extra step to delight them.  My hope is that our customers feel this drive when working with Visibility and our employees.  This doesn’t mean we don’t charge for our products and services – as that would lead us to no longer being in business.  And it doesn’t mean we can solve every challenge that happens at every customer.   But we constantly strive to delight our customers.  It is our vision.

“Make People Happy” is the Disney Vision.   Simple but powerful.   They try their best to make people happy during their visits to Disney properties and parks.  When dealing with many Disney employees, I have often felt their simple company vision in their smiles and helpfulness.

So when the opportunity came to select a site for the 2016 Visibility Customer Conference, we chose Disney.   And we hope to experience and feel their vision once again.  I hope you can join us.  More details will be coming out on our newsletter and website soon so please stay tuned!  But I am very excited to say:  “We are going to Disney!”

Topics: Company

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