
Starting off the New Year on the right foot was on the mind of everyone on January 1st 2016. The New Year is a time of reflection and to make changes and improvements. Resolutions can be a worthy cause to undertake - if you have the vision and dedication it requires. 

In parallel, starting off on the right foot during an ERP implementation requires the same dedication and often the same amount of hard work. Both of these undertakings require establishing achievable goals to help pave the way to your ultimate Resolution. Biting off more than you can chew is the typical hitch in any lofty goal.  When it comes to choosing an ERP solution, you should choose a vendor that shares in your vision and assists you in achieving your goal, not just cashing your check. Search for a company that has proven its ability to provide a smooth transition and easy adaptation, and has a track record of successful implementations.

Another key for a successful implementation is your attitude. Much like a New Year’s Resolution, waking up each day ready to tackle the challenge is important. Learning from your mistakes from the previous day and promising to do better will provide the momentum you need to carry out your goals.

At Visibility we pride ourselves on our Resolution of getting customers Happy, Live, and Referenceable in the shortest amount of time. We know the impact implementations can have on a company; we strive to make it as painless as possible for companies while teaching them to become more productive and successful. With regards to your other New Year’s resolution such as losing weight – we are still working on that one too!

Check out our Services page to learn how we can help you achieve your implementation resolutions. 


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