
Going Green with Visibility

By: Johnny Nugent

Are you still tracking everything using paper and lots of printer ink? It’s 2022 – and “going green” should be a top priority in your manufacturing company. Let’s talk about the benefits of paperless operations for manufacturing companies (besides getting rid of those dusty old files hanging around your office). 

Most manufacturers view a reduction in the cost of labor and increasing productivity as part of their top priorities. However, it is more difficult to achieve these objectives by maintaining paper records. The reason is that staff will spend most of their time recording various details on paper and gaining visibility of entire company operations becomes a challenge. 

Therefore, going paperless will enhance a manufacturer's daily operations, which will increase ROI. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider going paperless with ERP as a manufacturer. 

Fosters Collaboration 

A paperless manufacturing environment is probably the best option for manufacturers who are considering collaboration across functions and departments. The reason is that connecting everyone that participates in the manufacturing process using ERP will encourage sharing of information. As a result, updates at various stages of the production process are accessible to all instantly, which is critical towards promoting a responsive rather than a reactive operating environment. 

Increases Visibility 

Manufacturers who want to remain informed regarding every activity within their establishment should consider adopting paperless manufacturing operations through ERP. It is hard to identify inconsistencies at various levels of your business operations if you depend on paper documentation as a manufacturer. Therefore, going paperless increases visibility within manufacturing operations because individuals can access all the necessary details from one database. The response time to any issues that may arise will reduce significantly, which eventually promotes efficiency in daily activities.  

Eliminates Errors and Inaccuracies 

Some of the paper-based operations in manufacturing include the creation of schedules, copying and distribution of information, handling of records by supervisors, the input of information by operators, data collection and entry, among others. Each of these tasks represents time-consuming procedures that increase the probability of making errors. When you go paperless you eliminate these tasks that can end up in human error.  

Interested in going paperless? Visibility ERP can help. Contact a Visibility Sales Representative today or learn more about our solution. 

Topics: Manufacturing, Technology, Company, Services, ERP

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