
Managing Payroll with your ERP System

By John Nugent


Managing payroll is an important function that must be done accurately and efficiently in your manufacturing business. Your ERP system should offer flexibile integration solutions with payroll providers of your choice. Here at Visibility we have worked with ADP, Paychex, Ceridian, and many more to develop simple flexile bi-directional payroll solutions that ensure accuracy and reduce time spent running payroll. 

How ERP Helps 

Payroll starts at the timesheet level with time and attendance tracking and hourly/salary rate management. Many Visibility customers utilize VisMobile Labor Time and Attendance barcoding system to capture employee's time in and out of the facility and track time spent on work order operations while automatically ensuring breaks and meals are captured. This is easy for shop floor operators to use because it simply requires barcoding their ID badge and the work order routing operation they are working on (and yes, concurrent operations are supported). Supervisors then review the time of their team, make adjustments as needed and approve that time. That time can then be routed to be automatically posted and also be tracked for payroll purposes. 

Every business, country, state, and locality has varying rules on overtime so Visibility works with our customers to configure overtime rules within our payroll export report. We also ensure the format matches the requirements of your payroll provider. This enables your payroll admin to simply run a report to upload to your payroll provider.


Whether employees are hourly or salaried, this can be managed in the payroll export configuration. Once payroll is processed, the resulting file from your payroll provider is then uploaded to Visibility using our journal entry import utility. This process start to finish reduces time needed on administrative payroll tasks and enables your team to focus on more mission critical activities. 

Interested in learning more about Visibility ERP and how it can help manage payroll for your manufacturing business? Contact us here and a Visibility expert will reach out. 


Topics: ERP

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