
Introducing Our VisMobile Infographic

By: Katie Foley

The Issue:

Manufacturing environments involve significant input from both shop floor and office based resources. Once a project is underway, accurate monitoring of all the costs involved is essential. Manufacturing companies need real-time labor collection, simple labor reporting, and actual labor amounts captured on the shop floor.

The Solution:

Through VisMobile employee time can be collected on a real time basis. VisMobile is intended to address the needs of manufacturing shop floors with the necessity to control Employee-Badge and Time-Clock data entry in a multi-shift 7x24 environment. This solution lets shop floor employees enter their time directly into VISIBILITY through the use of a barcode scanner. It provides shop users with the ability to perform keyboard-less labor entries. VisMobile supports attendance, timesheet, and time-clock methods as well as supervisor approval functionality via standard VISIBILITY timesheet forms. VisMobile has been developed using the architecture.

Our VisMobile Data Sheet will walk you through everything you need to know about Visibility's mobile time and labor collection system from functional highlights to benefits to a look at the product's screens. 

To learn about our VisMobile time and labor collection solution, click here or download our data sheet below. 

VisMobile Data Sheet

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