
ERP and Parenthood: Double Trouble

By Katie Foley 

As a blogger, I love relating ERP to everyday life outside of ERP. For me, most of my life outside of work is focused on being a parent. For the past two and a half year I’ve been a mom to one child, but just a few weeks ago became a mom of two. It’s been such a blessing to add another member to our family, but I have to say these past few weeks have been quite chaotic and a blur at times. It got me thinking again, wouldn’t it be nice if they made ERP for parents (especially now with two kids in the mix)?! 

ERP Modules for Parents  

Advanced Planning and Scheduling 

I had hard time keeping track of one child’s schedule, but now that there are two its nearly impossible. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had an advanced planning and scheduling application for parents? It would be able to manage our “capacity and load”, alert us when a certain day or time is overloaded, and even make adjustments in real time.  

Inventory Contro 

Thank goodness for Amazon Subscribe and Save to keep our pantry full of the baby essentials, but an inventory control module like ERP software offers would be even better. With the inventory control module, I could keep track of my inventory and associated costs. I could set reminders to order items when they reach a certain level. This would ensure that I have all of the necessary baby supplies in stock and that I am ordering them at the best prices at all times. 

Business Intelligence  

With two kids to always be prepared for, I’m always trying to improve my “parent” skills. How can I perfectly time naps, playtime, and meals? How can I get out the door faster? What items are critical to have on me at all time and what items can we live without? What if there was BI software for parents? A tool that could constantly analyze data and turn it into meaningful parent-focused intelligence all without having to do any manual analysis. It would allow me and other parents to make fact-based decisions quickly and spot trends as they are happening.  


While all of these modules listed above would be nice for a parent to have access to keep day-to-day life running smoothly, these modules are absolutely critical to a manufacturing business. Discover everything Visibility can offer you and your business by contacting us today.   

Topics: Business Intelligence, ERP, Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Inventory

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