
A Veterans Day Tribute

By: Katie Foley

Veterans Day falls on this coming Sunday and will be observed by many on Monday as well.  Just as we take November 11th each year to honor our Veterans, here on the Visibility blog we are taking a moment to step away from our usual technology and manufacturing related content to discuss what Veterans Day means to us.

The History

Veterans Day began as “Armistice Day” on November 11, 1919 – the one year anniversary of the end of WWI. In 1926, Congress passed a resolution to observe Armistice Day every November 11th and in 1938 it became a national holiday. It was President Eisenhower in 1954 who changed the name from Armistice Day to Veterans Day.

 Veterans Day is a day to honor all American veterans, living or dead, and to give thanks to those who served or are currently serving our country. Great Britain, France, Australia, and Canada also commemorate the veterans of WWI and WWII around November 11th each year with what they call Remembrance Day.

Present Day Observance

Most towns and cities across the United States celebrate Veterans Day with events such as parades, ceremonies, and appreciation breakfasts or luncheons. In my small town, there is a ceremony with a Navy veteran as the keynote speaker followed by an appreciation breakfast. On a more national scale, there is a Veterans Day parade held every year in New York City and the White House always hosts a Veterans Day ceremony to honor and show appreciation for those that have served. I encourage you to look up what’s going on in your local area so you can get out there and honor the people who served that now live in your community.

How Can You Honor Those Who Served

There are many great ways to pay tribute to the brave men and women who served our country. Here are just a few ideas on how to spend your Veterans Day (and every day) to thank them:

  1. As mentioned above there are many local events held across America to honor those that served. See if there is a parade or ceremony in your community that you could attend.

  2. There are so many great Veterans Service Organizations (VSO) out there. Contact your local VSO and find out what opportunities there are to volunteer.

  3. Just as there are organizations that you can volunteer for, these organizations also look for monetary donations to go towards the great services they provide our veterans with.

  4. Is there a veteran in your life? Ask them about their service. If you’ve lost a loved one in service be sure to share their story on Veterans Day as a way of keeping their legacy alive.

  5. On this day, we should also take the time to remember the partners and children that are home while their husband, wife, mother, or father is serving. Military spouses and children need to be thanked too. If you personally know a military family, be sure to look out for them and offer a helping hand while their loved one is away on active duty.

These are just a few suggestions for how to celebrate the day and there are countless more – support veteran owned businesses, hire veterans, hire a military spouse, fly a flag correctly, buy a treat for a veteran, offer a discount to veterans, or even just  simple “thank you”. We encourage you to show your appreciation for the veterans in the country on Veterans Day and every day.

Thank you to the brave men and women who serve to protect this great country each and every day.

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